Editorial Team
Kerolayne de Melo Nogueira
Position: Editorial Board Member
Expertise: General Biology, Histology, Immunology, Pharmacology, and Biotechnology
- Master’s degree in Biotechnology from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) - 2019
- Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) - 2016
- Former member of the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Inflammation and Gastrointestinal Disorders (LAFIDG - UFPI), where she conducted research focused on inflammation and gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases.
- Specialist in Active Methodologies and Innovative Practices (FAHESP/IESVAP).
- Specialist in Immunology (Faculdade Metropolitana, São Paulo) and Microbiology (Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante - FAVENI).
- Former professor of medicine at ITPAC-Santa Inês.
- Currently pursuing a PhD in Pharmacology at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) as a CNPq fellow at the Laboratory for the Study of Gastrointestinal Physio-Pharmacology (LEFFAG). Her research focuses on gastroenterology, specifically the role of hydrogen sulfide in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.
Ian Jhemes Oliveira Sousa
Position: Chief Editor
Expertise: Pharmacology, Clinical Epidemiology, Data Processing, Health Legislation, and Biotechnological Research
- PhD student at the Northeast Biotechnology Network - RENORBIO/UFPI, focusing on the development of therapeutic, prophylactic methods, and diagnostic tests.
- Master’s degree in Pharmacology from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI).
- Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology, and Clinical Pharmacy (Cathedral).
- Specialist in Higher Education Teaching.
- Pharmacist at the Federal University of Piauí.
- Professor of Medicine at the Pitágoras Faculty of Bacabal and the Pitágoras Faculty of Medicine of Codó.
- Experience in epidemiology and epidemiological data processing (PAHO/WHO), programming applied to the collection and processing of health data, health and drug legislation.
- Expertise in the design and preclinical development of drugs using nanotechnology, as well as in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic methods in health.
- Editor-in-Chief of the InnovatioScience Journal.
- Ad-hoc consultant for journals including Saúde-Santa Maria, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, and the Journal of Biology & Pharmacy (UEPB).
- CEO/DEV of the Start-UP Otimizada.
Our team of scientific reviewers is published annually at the end of the current year.
2023 - List of Editorial Board (Download Here)
Periodicity: Annual - Continuous Flow
IntellectusPress - A OTIMIZADA® Scientific Publications division
Optimized Publishing House
CEP: 64.080-190
Phone +5586999317696
Prof. Ian Jhemes Oliveira Sousa